Chiyo Choshi

Chiyo Choshi's Profile

Brittany Collier

English Name: Brittany Collier
Japanese Name: Chiyo Choshi
Date of Birth: August 4
Age: 17
Astrological Sign: Leo
Height: 5'7
Hobbies: singing with her friends,
and Carmen cracking on Kaiba
Favorite Food: barbecue chicken
Least Favorite Food: pumpkin pie
Favorite Subject: Web Design
Least Favorite Subject: British Literature
Strengths: singing
Weaknesses: losing her friends
Goal: To become a singer

Brittany is just as crazy as Carmen except she a little bit more toned down though. Her, Jasmine, and Carmen have their own little singing group ever since they were in elementary school. They’ve pretty much known each other for at least twelve years. Nothing really exciting or bad happens to Brittany in the story but she will be trying to help her friends through their problems. Like, Jasmine with her issues with Kaiba and Carmen secretly hanging out with Chad Thomas. Even though her and Carmen both kinda turned away from Jasmine for awhile because their dislike for Seto Kaiba, they still ended up staying friends in the end.

