Diane Tsukino
Diane Tsukino's Profile

Diane Tsukino

English Name: Diane Tsukino
Japanese Name: Deanu Tsukino
Date of Birth: November 19
Age: 45
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Hobbies: motherly chores, taking care of her children
Favorite Food: Anything
Least Favorite Food: N/A
Strengths: protecting her family
Weaknesses: her children hating her
Goal: To make sure no one finds out her secret
about Gozaburo Kaiba and to find her little girl Ruka Kaiba

Diane Tsukino is the mother of five children. Well, six if you count the child she had with Gozaburo Kaiba, a rich and powerful multi-billionaire of Domino City, Japan. But the thing of it is, no one knows about the sixth child except for Solomon Moto, Reva Gardner, the Case family, and an old friend of Solomon’s by the name of Aya Urashima who’s had a crush on Diane ever since Solomon introduced him to her. Diane it made it so that her children couldn’t remember they’ve ever been to Domino City by erasing their memories when they were little. That includes Mokuba and Seto’s memories too.

And now, seven years later, the truth finally comes out when Diane starts to emotionally abuse her daughter Jasmine because she fell in love with Seto Kaiba because she didn’t want them to remember that they knew each other years ago. And for them to not figure out that she had a child by his stepfather. But during Kaiba’s Battle City Tournament, Gozaburo’s real son Noah, tried to get rid of Kaiba and revealed a lot of things that were not know to Bunny and Jasmine.

Plus being stuck in that virtual world, Diane another chance to see Gozaburo again. That is, until she found out what type of man he was for abandoning his own child and on top of that, trying to kill Diane’s children. She never found out from Gozaburo where their child was. Jasmine and Bunny were upset wit her for not telling them the truth and hiding it for so many years. And even though Diane will never forgive Gozaburo, a man that truly did love her, she would always love him.

