Makoto Kino

Makoto Kino's Profile

Makoto Kino
English Name: Lita Kino
Japanese Name: Makoto Kino
Age: 16
Birth Date: December 5, 1978
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5'6''
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: Cooking, boys
Favorite Color: Green and sugar-pink
Favorite Foods: Cherry pie
and meatloaf
Least Favorite Food: None
Favorite Subject: Home Economics
Least Favorite Subject: Physics
Strengths: Cooking,
physical strength
Weakness: Airplanes
Goal: To own a bakery/
restaurant/flower shop

Makoto transforms into the Energetic Fighter, Sailor Jupiter. Makoto is the brawn behind the Sailor Senshi, with a strong will and
outgoing personality. In combat, Sailor Jupiter often takes the role of morale booster, convincing the other Senshi that they
can defeat their enemies. The tallest of the Inner Senshi, Makoto often prefers to close in on an enemy for hand-to-hand combat
(she knows karate) rather than use her Sailor Senshi Attack. She's sorta like Jasmine in a way. They both like to fight and will
never back down from a challenge. Lita attends Domino High with her friends.

