Malik Ishtar
Malik Ishtar's Profile

Marik Ishtar

English Name: Marik Ishtar
Japanese Name: Malik Ishtar
Age: 19
Date of Birth: December 23
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Height: 5'7
Weight: 121 lbs
Blood Type: B
Goal: To have the power
of the Pharaoh

When Malik was younger, his father carved the Pharaoh's memory onto Malik's back. This was obviously painful. Rishid, Malik's servant,
scarred the side of his face because Malik was scared as well

Malik tried to protect Rishid from his own father after his father attacked and tried to kill Rishid, so Malik obviously cared about someone.
As a little kid he seemed very innocent and naïve, having been kept underground with his sister.

That is, until he obtains the Millennium Rod, which he got when he killed his father and became the tomb keeper. Malik wants revenge on
Yami because he blames Yami for his father's death. After his own Yami that he died because of the 'Pharaoh's Will'. Now Malik's hell-bent
on getting revenge and destroying the Pharaoh.

