Michiru Kaiou

Michiru Kaiou's Profile

Michiru Kaiou
Japanese Name: Michiru Kaiou
Age: 19
Birth Date: March 6, 1978
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Height: 5'4''
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: Playing the violin,
collecting cosmetics, swimming
Favorite Color: Marine Blue
Favorite Food: Sashimi (meat strips)
Least Favorite Food: Kikurage (mushrooms)
Favorite Subject: Music
Least Favorite Subject: None
Strengths: Playing violin, painting
Weakness: Sea cucumbers
Goal: To be a violinist

Michiru transforms into the Elegant Fighter, Sailor Neptune. Michiru is a quiet, artistically inclined young woman
with a soft sense of humor. She holds herself elegantly, which attests to her beauty, and is from a wealthy family. Her
mannerisms can be described as a mature, lady-like, or worthy of a princess. As Michiru, her emphatic principles often
predominate. As Sailor Neptune, however, she tends to be more rigid and distant. Her coldness may stem from a
resentment of being a Sailor Senshi. She attends Domino University with Haruka Tenou and her friend Setsuna Meiou.

