Chapter 07 Quiz:


  1. What does Mokuba ask Jasmine?
    1. To be friends with is brother
    2. Have a party
    3. Kill Niles for him
    4. Uh…. *starts drooling *


  1. What happened to Mokuba and Kaiba’s parents?
    1. They disappeared (stupid English dubbers)
    2. They died when they were young
    3. They kidnapped themselves
    4. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!


  1. What was Kaiba’s first dream about?
    1. Dying (I wish)
    2. Tea naked (my eyes!!! It burns!!!)
    3. ????
    4. Finding his mother


  1. What does Kaiba’s mother tell him in his dream?
    1. That him and Mokuba need to prepare for their journey
    2. Everything won’t be as it seems
    3. The world is in danger
    4. What’cha gonna do when they come fo’ you?


  1. How many more chances does Vortex have to find a star seed?
    1. 6
    2. 8
    3. 2
    4. 4


  1. Why did Tristan warn Amara, Michelle, and Darien about Tea?
    1. She’s evil and wants to rule the world
    2. Die evil bitch
    3. O_O
    4. Because Tea likes Yugi and she might try and do something


  1. What happened to Tea’s cat Fluffy a year ago?
    1. Tea set it on fire by not watching where the grease was landing
    2. She shaved it bald
    3. She stabbed it
    4. No kitty, that’s a bad kitty!!!


  1. Was Kaiba dreaming when he saw the little girl with red hair and heart shaped odangos?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Maybe
    4. Don’t know


  1. What is the dog’s name?
    1. Ben Gay
    2. Benny
    3. Suck my balls
    4. A joint


  1. Why did Yugi come over to Tea’s house?
    1. There was a drive by, by his house
    2. He was lonely
    3. He came to take Amy, Trista, and Lita shopping
    4. AHH!! RAPE!!!