Chapter 12 pt. 3 Quiz:


  1. What popular oldie goldie singer died last year?
    1. Luther Vandross
    2. Whitney Huston
    3. President Bush
    4. I forgot


  1. What kind of jokes Jasmine was telling?
    1. Yo mama jokes
    2. South Park jokes
    3. Baby mama jokes
    4. Blonde jokes


  1. What song from South Park the movies did everyone sing?
    1. Blame Canada
    2. Mountain Town
    3. Kyle’s Mom’s A Bitch
    4. Up There


  1. What did Chibi-Chibi do to Sammy’s finger?
    1. Cut it off
    2. Saw it off
    3. Ate it
    4. Bit it


  1. What did Mina do to keep Joey from swearing around Chibi-Chibi?
    1. Kiss him
    2. Kicked him in the nuts
    3. Cut his balls off
    4. O_O


  1. Why was Jasmine upset?
    1. And a…. weeeeeee!!!
    2. She got a card and a gift from her father
    3. Her box had holes in it
    4. ------------------------


  1. Who was Tea talking to on her cell phone in the upstairs bathroom?
    1. Her dad
    2. She doesn’t have a man to call
    3. Her mother
    4. The tooth fairy


  1. Did Mina think Joey was upset with her about when she kissed him?
    1. I forgot
    2. Maybe
    3. No
    4. Yes


  1. Did Darien finally show up?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Maybe
    4. He stood Bunny up


  1. What happened between Kaiba and Jasmine
    1. Nothing
    2. They kissed
    3. They fought each other
    4. Uhhhh….