Chapter 15 Quiz pt. 2


  1. What class does Mina and Raye have together?
    1. Algebra 3
    2. Algebra 2
    3. Chemistry
    4. Physical Science


  1. What did Sammy do to his teacher?
    1. Kill her
    2. Cursed her out
    3. Set her on fire
    4. Mom, kitty’s being a dildo!


  1. Who did Carmen and Brittany meet in American History?
    1. Ma-ma
    2. Gettin’ jiggy wit it
    3. Chad Thomas
    4. Tiger Woods


  1. Is Bunny being too nice to Tea?
    1. No
    2. Maybe
    3. Don’t know
    4. Yes


  1. What are Aki and Akemi’s jobs on earth besides finding star seeds?
    1. Reporters for Domino News Station Channel 6
    2. Restaurant waitresses
    3. Strippers
    4. Telemarketers


  1. Who showed up to start trouble at lunch, at Domino High School?
    1. Haley
    2. Jessica Case
    3. Monkey Man!
    4. Er… I can’t think right now! >_<


  1. Where was Jasmine?
    1. At the mall
    2. At home
    3. Across the street from the school at the big oak tree
    4. Don’t know


  1. Who was behind the three she was leaning up against?
    1. Joey
    2. Tea
    3. Tristan
    4. Kaiba


  1. What happened to Chibi-Chibi?
    1. She sprained her arm
    2. Broke her leg
    3. Died
    4. My monkey made me do it


  1. According to Kaiba, is Chibi-Chibi fine?
    1. No
    2. Yes
    3. Maybe
    4. Up yours