Chapter 16 Quiz pt. 1:


  1. Is Tea up to something the reason she wants to follow Yugi and Jasmine?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Maybe
    4. Don’t know


  1. What almost happened to Amy?
    1. Killed
    2. Raped
    3. Cut
    4. Set on fire


  1. Who came to Amy’s rescue?
    1. Lita
    2. Raye
    3. Corey
    4. Mina


  1. What happened to Tea in Kaiba’s limo?
    1. Jasmine killed her
    2. Yugi made a pass at her (ha! Yeah right)
    3. Spontaneously combusted
    4. She fell face first into Kaiba’s lap


  1. What Kaiba violated?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Maybe
    4. He liked it


  1. Does Kaiba know that Tea likes Yugi?
    1. No
    2. Yes
    3. No clue
    4. I forgot


  1. Does Tea know that Kaiba likes Jasmine?
    1. Fuck no
    2. She a whore
    3. Yes she does
    4. Once again… I forgot…


  1. Who showed up at Reva’s house?
    1. Gozaburo
    2. Solomon
    3. Her ex husband
    4. Diane


  1. Where is Amy now?
    1. At the Domino Hospital
    2. Corey’s house
    3. Her own home
    4. Hookin’


  1. Does Reva know that Diane’s children have powers?
    1. No
    2. Yes because she’s just nosey like that
    3. She’s too busy sleeping with Jessica’s dad to know
    4. She a slut… ow! *starts dancing*