Ryou Bakura's Profile

Ryou Bakura
English Name: Bakura
Japanese Name: Ryou Bakura
Age: 16
Date of Birth: September 2
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Height: 5'7''Weight: 114lbs
Goal: No goal

Ryou Bakura would probably never have entered the picture, were it not for and odd compulsion that drives him to seek out Millennium Items.
He's drawn to them Duelist Kingdom from the combined influence of Pegasus' Millennium Eye and Yugi's Millennium Puzzle.

The odd compulsion comes from the Millennium Item he himself carries: the Millennium Ring. In its inert state, it has the power to track the
directions of other Millennium Items. But it also holds a darker power: the ability to trap souls in inanimate objects. Once long ago, a grave
robber, attempting to obtain the Millennium Items, ended up with his soul trapped in the Millennium Ring itself. This shadow soul, Yami
Bakura, emerges from the Ring whenever it is activated. Yami Bakura takes over Ryou Bakura's body and continues his quest (even now)
of getting the eight Millennium Items.

His quest takes him to Yugi and company, and he almost succeeds in sealing everyone's souls in their own cards, but the Millennium Puzzle
fights back, drawing Yami Yugi out so he can for their freedom. Blocked as he was because the Millennium Puzzle gave Yugi a second soul,
Yami Bakura thinks of other ways to get ahead, including trying to switch his host from Ryou Bakura to Mokuba, but Tristan manages to
outwit Yami Bakura and set him back. Tristan thinks he threw the Millennium Ring away, but the Ring can be drawn back to its host
at will. Learning of Pegasus' defeat, Bakura quickly switches gears to confront Pegasus, overpowers him, and steals his Millennium Eye.

It is practically certain that the two shadow souls of Yami Bakura and Yami Yugi will cross again, since Yami Bakura still wants
Yugi's Millennium Puzzle.

