Satomi Awayuki

Satomi Awayuki's Profile

Satomi Awayuki

English Name: Stephanie Caldwell
Japanese Name: Satomi Awayuki
Date of Birth: August 25
Age: 19
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Hobbies: secretly hanging with Jessica
Favorite Food: mushroom soup, crab cakes
Least Favorite Food: peanut butter and
jelly sandwiches
Favorite Subject: Literature
Least Favorite Subject: N/A
Strengths: telling the truth
Weaknesses: lying
Goal: N/A

Satomi is usually seen eating by herself at lunch in high school. Eh, it’s only a front because she hangs around Jessica Case in secret but pretends that she has no friends when new students began arriving. That’s exactly what she did to Jasmine Tsukino and her friends. She did feel guilty about deceiving them but after what she did to Jasmine, she never earned any of their friendship back.

