Solomon Moto's Profile

Solomon Moto
English Name: Solomon Moto
Japanese Name: Sugoroku Motou
Age: 72
Date of Birth: October 4
Astrological Sign: Lira
Height: 4'11''
Weight: 137 lbs
Hobbies: dueling
Strengths: dueling

Solomon is Yugi's Grandfather and owner Domino City's Game Shop. Solomon taught Yugi about Duel Monsters and also told him to believe in
the Heart of the Cards. Solomon handed Yugi the Millennium Puzzle and kind of dared him to solve it.

Solomon owns the fourth Blue-Eyes White Dragon, which was given to him by his old friend Arthur Hawkins as a sign of their friendship (because
he saved Arthur's life when they met back in Egypt). It ripped, however, thanks to Seto Kaiba, after Solomon lost the duel and then handed Yugi his
dueling deck and told him to teach Kaiba some respects.

