Tara Hasegawa

Tara Hasegawa's Profile

Tara Hasegawa

English Name: Tara Hasegawa
Japanese Name: Tara Hasegawa
Date of Birth: April 24
Age: 9
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Hobbies: plays innocent to her
favorite people, video games
Favorite Food: hot wings, egg rolls
Least Favorite Food: mushrooms, prunes
Favorite Subject: N/A
Least Favorite Subject: N/A
Strengths: video games, playing tricks
Weaknesses: losing her papa
Goal: make sure her papa doesn’t get hurt

Tara is a little five years old girl that lives with her father, Aya Hasegawa. Tara lost her mother when she was three to Leukemia so from that day forward she vowed that she would never let anything or anyone take her father away. For the time being she hangs with her father at the Domino University where he works and randomly goes into different classrooms to hang out and be nosey. She is not going to an elementary school, she is being home schooled while her father is usually still in town when he’s not out on archeological expeditions which she is left in the care of Yuugi Motou, her father’s friend Sugoroku’s grandson. But other than that, she’s around Aya if not accidentally kicking the crap out of him, or she’s playing video games he buys her to keep her occupied. Tara is aware that her father is in love with a woman by the name of Diane Tsukino but doesn’t like the idea of having a new mother but her own even though she has passed on. She doesn’t want any woman to take her father away from her but of course she has a lot to learn about trusting other people as well as trusting in her father.

