Tomiichi Takaishi

Tomiichi Takaishi's Profile

Tomiichi Takaishi

English Name: Tom Robinson
Japanese Name: Tomiichi Takaishi
Date of Birth: May 13
Age: 20
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Height: 6'2
Job: traveling businessman
Hobbies: playing with his children,
spending time with Haruka
Favorite Food: Vanilla
Least Favorite Food: N/A
Strengths: Kindness
Weaknesses: someone trying to hurt his loved ones
Goal: to start a family with Haruka

Tomiichi Takaishi was born in Domino City, Japan. His father, Shige Takaishi was the original owner of all the schools that were built in Domino City. I guess you can say that Tom comes from a rich family. Shige was friends with Julius Case, a multi-millionaire that was up to no good. Tomiichi’s father let Mr. Case become his partner in helping him make the schools the best they could be. They even arranged that Tom and Mr. Case’s daughter Jessica would get married later on in the future. Today, Tomiichi is a traveling businessman that works in American but travels most of the time. That’s where he met Haruka Tenou. He immediately fell in love with her. Haruka had adopted a little girl by the name of Hotaru Tomoe. She was eight then. And Tomiichi loved Hotaru as if she was his own biological child. But as usual, Tom had to travel for his job and he never told Haruka that he was engaged to another woman. And of course Haruka was upset when she found out. But in the end, he broke off his engagement with Jessica and proposed to Haruka.

